The Department of Education, based on sector and research evidence, launches it’s guide into SEN best practice in schools.

The DfE have released a guide on ‘best practice’ for students with SEND. Acknowledging the additional need that pupils with SEN require, the guide looks to draw upon key developments in SEN research and practice to outline an evidenced analysis of different approaches to SEN support.

The resource follows the assess, plan, do, review structure and gives suggestions to implement in the work-place and influence decision-making. While it is not an exhaustive review, it does provide information on a wide range of practice and links to a variety of other useful documents.

Commenting on the report, the DfE said: 

This resource provides leaders, teachers and practitioners with access to information about evidence-based practice that can be effective for SEN support. It brings together in one place evidence from academic research papers, a survey of schools and post-16 institutions and a set of commissioned case studies in order to allow practitioners to look at the detail of interventions and approaches and consider what would be most beneficial in their setting and for their learners.

The resource was developed by ASK Research and Coventry University, and was funded by the Department for Education. If you require this resource in a more accessible format, please contact DfE at
To find out more about this guide, and other SEN related resources, go to the NASEN Resource Gateway