One-page profiles: supporting learners through transition
As we near the end of the academic year, primary and secondary schools across the country will be preparing for the current Year 6 cohort’s transition into ‘big’ school. The jump from Key Stage 2 to 3 is a huge one for all children. But for learners with SEND, it requires a team effort in scaffolding and support to make sure they’re ‘secondary-ready’.
Enter the one-page profile – an extremely effective yet easy-to-use tool to bridge the gap between primary school, secondary school and home. A brief but detailed overview of an individual learner, it’s an effective way of making sure everyone has a clear understanding of how the child learns best, what their interests, hobbies and skills are, and to better engage them. It can also give parents and carers a chance to feedback on the child’s behaviour and wellbeing at home. This gives a particularly useful insight of the home learning experience the child had over the last year.
It can also be used for recording key quantitative data and progress over time in key subjects. This enriches both the teacher and parents’ understanding of the child as a learner, clearly outlines their strengths, weaknesses and achievements, and fosters a more comprehensive and personalised approach to support.
Literacy difficulties, SEND and independence
The relationship school settings and home is even more crucial when supporting learners with additional needs. The one-page profile is a great mechanism for not only amplifying the voice of the learner and their parents, but also in capturing the specific needs of that individual learner. It’s a great tool for bringing this information together to create an overview of a child’s support needs.
If you can get your approach to one-page profiles right, you won’t be guessing the gaps so much.
We have an opportunity to better understand how to support each learner through a period of transition and uncertainty. Try using our one-page profile guidance resource to better support your learners this term – let us know how you get on!
Join our webinar
Our ‘Giving learners a voice: supporting literacy difficulties through times of transition’ webinar explores how teachers and SENCos can scaffold and support disadvantaged learners through change. Tickets are limited – don’t miss out!