Reflections on A-Level results day
It’s results time for A-levels.
For learners with SEND including dyslexia, this time is the same as for typical learners: euphoria if successful and disappointment should the results not be what they hoped for. If they’re delighted however, it will be down to huge efforts despite a learning difference.
Being given extra time, a reader or a scribe, as is their legal right, will have enabled hundreds to achieve their potential. Exam arrangements however, while attempting to level the playing field, may not have been available for the whole of their school career. Or were they one of the lucky ones?
When a student has difficulties such as speed of processing, working memory or sequencing, exams are not easy, academic life is harder than for typical learners. But as hundreds of successful teenagers with SEND will show, it is still possible and high aspirations with adjustments in place to remove barriers can enable this.
Congratulations to all those who did achieve, you should be doubly proud because you show other students with similar learning differences that it can be done.
For those who results were a disappointment, firstly if you put the effort in and it still wasn’t enough, don’t be too hard on yourselves and you’re certainly not alone. I want you to read this from an ex-student of mine (20 years ago).
While exam results are important, learning is for life and the gates are always open for you – don’t forget this.
Read more:
- A-levels 2017: Today’s top 7 stories
- The Department for Education summarise the results here. The overall UK pass rate (A* to E) has remained stable since 2009, and is 97.9% for 2017